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FT4Web by Investors FastTrack

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Customer Technical Support

Updated 06/02/14

This help and the manual should answer most of your questions concerning the use of FastTrack for the Web.  Click here for the main help page.

If you cannot an answer, please call (866) 295-0166 x 2 from

  • 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Central time most  market days.

  • On Friday's we close at noon.

Please be at your computer, have the power on, and be prepared to spend a few minutes trying the steps we may suggest.

We take pride in the quality of our technical support. 

If you find that you are having to call back more than twice about the same problem, please ask your call be escalated. There is always a senior technicial available.

Please leave a message if requested to do so. We will call you back. 

  • The overall average wait time for a return call is 20 minutes.

  • The return time on Monday mornings averages 50 minutes.

  • From 2:00-4:00 PM Central time, most calls are answered live.

  • The average return time for evening calls varies according to the mood of the market. More folks update on market days with big moves and there are more support calls.

  • All calls are returned in the order received. 

  • All calls are returned by the close of the business day. We do not close for the day without trying to reach you subject to the limitations below.


  • If the line is busy, the next call in the queue is returned, and then we try you again. The process repeats to the end of the current TS shift. If you have not heard back from us within 2 hours, please call again.

  • We call until we reach you or leave a message on your machine or with a person.

  • No calls are returned the following day unless they are left after the close of business. Please do not leave a message overnight unless you will be available between 8:00AM and 9:00AM your local time the next morning. Unless your message instructs otherwise, no calls will be returned before 8:00AM your local time.

Do your Part

  • Please leave a message. We know that other software support organizations commonly do not return calls, but we really do.

  • Leave a brief description of the problem. Our technicians each have specialties. Your call will be routed directly to the best support.

  • The worst time to call is at 6:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Central on market days while the database is updated. The entire staff participates in the update process and may have to work overtime to return your call before leaving for the day.

  • Please, do not call the sales line with Tech Support questions.

  • Finally, say your phone number up front s-l-o-w-l-y and distinctly.