FT4Web by Investors FastTrack

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Updated 01/31/14

T Chart's Chart Label Values

Click T Chart's Label ( "Tot return") to display the Buy and Hold values. Hide them with another click. The values are calculated for the span of the chart with no regard for poles positions or signals. See abbreviations for details on what each value means

Indicator Label Values
  1. The controlling parameter values for the indicator. The AccuTrack parameters shown are 12 48.
  2. Third and following lines: These lines contain a variety of abbreviations. that show the performance of AccuTrack signals for the period displayed. The values DO NOT reflect trade delays.
J and 2 Chart Labels

The J and 2 charts have the same labels as the indicators, but the values are effected by the trading delay parameter.

Setting Parameters and Fonts

If you right-click on the chart name, you will see the menu displayed to the right.

  • If you click on "Parameters", you will get the "Parameter Settings Dialog", This controls the performance of the technical indicators, modeling, and averaging.
  • If you click on fonts, you get the standard Windows Font dialog.